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New Jersey Singles Reviews How Women Should Relieve Stress At Work


Do you have a job that is very stressful?  Is it causing you anxiety?  Here, the matchmakers from New JerseySingles review some great ways to relieve stress at work. 

Are you popping headache pills more often than you would like to in order to keep your head from exploding into a million pieces?  Although many people have no choice but to work for a living, that does not mean that it should be a painful process.  Sure, there will be good days and there will be bad, but when the bad days outshine the good ones, it's time to make a change, explains New Jersey Singles.  Long term stress in the workplace will not only affect your productivity, but it will also affect your health.  So the sooner you get it under control, the better it will be for you.  And today, New Jersey Singles reviews helpful ways to do just that.

Take Frequent Breaks

Even if you have a lot on your plate and you're not sure how you'll get it all done by the deadline, working without giving your mind and body a break will hinder you more in the end, explains New Jersey Singles.  You will end up being more fatigued and less efficient than if you would have stop and taken a break.  Make it a point to get out of your work station every hour or two, even if it's just for a few minutes.  Take a little walk, or at least stand up and stretch.  Give your mind a few minutes to clear itself--And also remember to change your body and the way you're positioned. 

Don't Eat Meals At Your Desk/Cubicle

Although it might be tempting to work while you're eating your tortilla wrap or drinking a cup of soup at your desk, it will do much more good if you take a break and leave your work area.  Yes, that means to leave your workspace completely, explains New Jersey Singles.  The change of scenery will help you freshen up and will give you the energy you need to get through the rest of the day. 

This does not mean you need to go to a restaurant every day for lunch and spend a bunch of money you don't need to, you can just eat your lunch at a local park, or the lunchroom of your workplace.  Meal time should be enjoyable, not stressful.  And the farther you can get from work, the happier you will be. 

Learn How To Breathe

If you are part of a high intensity project, or have a stressful meeting coming up, it can be very difficult to keep your cool.  And sometimes, you might not be able to walk away from your desk, so the best thing you can do here is learn how to breathe the proper way--In a way that calms you, explains New Jersey Singles.  A helpful exercise you can do to calm yourself down is to breathe in to the count of 4, hold it for 4, then exhale for 4.  This will help your heart slow down and will help you focus without feeling too stressed and anxious.  So go ahead and try it the next time you have a big meeting coming up or are feeling stressed from work.

Control Your Hours

Sometimes, overtime is a necessity, or mandatory, but if you are starting to notice that the long hours you're putting in at work are affecting your everyday life, it's time to study the situation, explains New Jersey Singles.  If you are doing it because of money matters, can you work less and still maintain a good living? 

If there are other reasons why you're working long hours, such as seasonal increase, is there any other way you can get the job done while still maintaining a good life?  You might not be able to control your hours at work, but there might be other options you can do that will help you out.  For instance, if you are putting in long hours to pay off some bills, are there some expenses you can get rid of so you can make a trade? 

Work On Yourself

The more you keep up with your body, the more your mind will be able to handle whatever comes its way, explains New Jersey Singles. Although people believe the body and mind to be two separate things, they're actually intertwined, so whatever happens to one, affects the other.  So eat nutritious food and workout regularly.  Get plenty of sleep at night and do activities that make you smile.  The healthier you are, the more efficiently you'll work, explains New Jersey Singles. 

Keep It In Perspective

Remember what work is--Just work.  No one gets to the end of their life and wishes they would've worked longer hours.  So don't let work control every aspect of your life.  Sure, you will have to spend a lot of your time working, and doing work-related activities, but the most important things in your life are your friends and family.  Keep in mind how blessed you are in these areas, and let them help you be more calm at the office. 

Stay Away From Office Gossip

Nothing can take energy away from you faster than becoming involved in workplace gossip.  Getting involved in the 'he said/she said' gossip is enough to make a daytime soap opera look like nothing compared to what you hear from the cubicles around you.  So stay away from it.  While it might be tempting to hear the dirt everyone has on each other, it will be more harmful than what it is fun, explains New Jersey Singles.  Not only will you risk breaking a few friendships, but you will find yourself in the middle of something you should never have been involved with to begin with... And guess what this does to you? --Causes you unnecessary stress!

Get Help

If you are being asked or told to do things you don't understand, don't be afraid to ask for help.  Although it might be difficult to admit when a project is over your head, it is going to be harder if you fall down simply because you didn't ask for help when you needed it, explains New Jersey Singles.  Employers would rather have their employee come to them when something is unclear than to continue on not knowing what they're doing with a project. 

Know When You've Had Enough

Sometimes, it doesn't matter what you do, you might not be able to escape the stress and anxiety from work.  If this is the case, then you might need to consider whether you would like to continue working for that company or even in your line of work.  While you are definitely going to have to work to pay the bills, it isn't going to do you any good if your job puts you six feet under.  You have to realize when enough is enough and it's time to move on, explains New Jersey Singles.  Work shouldn't be something you dread going to every day.  Not every day is going to be good, but the good days should outnumber the bad ones.  If they don't, you have some considerations to make. 

Next time you're feeling stressed at work, remember these helpful tips and see if you can manage to calm yourself down by putting them to good use.  

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